I have never taken LSD

But I think I might like to have the option to try it once sometime. Steve Jobs said famously it was one of the most important things he ever did. I would prepare myself for six months and I would only ever do it -like him- one time.

But everyone who knows me well has expressly said- “yeah LSD- that’s not such a good idea for you”. I have always had the same sense of it myself. I suddenly wondered: Why?

? Internal anxiety, a lack of feeling that everything is “all right”, a lack of trust in myself, a fear of real change, a fear of insanity, pain, loneliness of not being sane enough or strong enough. fear of what I might find out. afraid of all and everything.

Whatever the reason, its readily apparent not just to me but to everybody who knows me well. These things whatever they are must be written all over my face

Morse Code Training

1966 Military Training film on learning and maintaining proper style in morse code. Film noir, overly dramatic, it includes a hot blonde at a piano, a hilariously awkward host, a murder, very cool giant props and more.

An excellent pedagogical presentation…very informative with fascinating graphics and effects…
its like they got Alfred Hitchcock to do the company training video

LIMA 2013 Airshow Langkawi – Su-30 MKM

State-of-the art Russian Su-30 fighter plane, flown here by Malaysian pilots. The “vector thrusting” technology onboard allows the pilot to stall the aircraft and turn it on a dime. The maneuverability is insane.

The case against raisins

I’m just saying out loud what everybody already knows: raisins are really just rotted grapes.

Its a “food” born out of hunger and desperation. At first, for many, it was the last best option….it was that or starve.

(two early Romans walking through a vineyard)

Ari: I’m SO hungry…maybe those grapes are still good….
Marcus: Man, those are old and spoiled.
Ari: (eats grape)… Hey they’re…(gulp)…….”not bad”…

Misshapen, discolored, unpleasantly sugary. It’s a food you can tell is spoiled just by looking at it. They add a disagreeably greasy, slimy, overly sweet quality to everything they touch. The primal innocent in me thinks they look like big black boogers.

Few things on earth have generated more disappointment than a raisin cookie. You see a cookie- you think….wow! chocolate chip….and then – dammit raisin

All of the above applies to prunes, apricots, figs, etc. as well. Any dried food. (exception: turkey jerky, which is delicious)

But “Sun-dried tomatoes”? (….Juan, why you throwing those tomatoes away? We can *sell* those!….)

Disgusting. A practice I hope, for hygiene purposes, we can all agree to end soon.